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Can’t find the time to update your practices Facebook page, yet you know you need to post daily to keep your practice visible? 


Are you more interested in practicing medicine than focusing on the business of medicine?


Does the idea of publicity make you secretly cringe yet you know you could help more people if you put out educational content in mainstream media outlets?


If so, you are like many of the practices that we work with. Perhaps you have worked with a Public Relations firm for your medical practice and were unhappy with the results. Maybe you worked with a social media marketing agency that didn’t garner the engagement you were looking for. Our philosophy is different: we don’t view any of these communication tactics as stand alone magic bullets to increase new patient flow.


Instead, we believe all of it needs to be done in unity to keep your practice visible. Social Media isn’t enough. PR isn’t enough. And neither is personal brand building. All of it has to be done together over a long period of time.


We pride ourselves in staying with medical practices for years and consider ourselves part of their team. Social Media Practice Management is a job- not a one-off blitz to secure quick attention and exposure. If you are looking for a long term, results oriented partner, but don’t want to hire someone right out of school who may quit for a shinier offer in a year, we may be a perfect match.


Another perk?


You won’t waste hours a month managing us to make sure we are working for you. We know your time is limited. That is why we believe it is our responsibility to propose new ideas to you, rather than waiting for you to tell us what we are working on for the month.


The toughest part of working with a PR/Social Media firm is finding the right fit- someone who anticipates your needs before you have to say what they are. If you want to work with a digital Public Relations manager who has the ability to execute and deliver (instead of just proposing ideas) we can help. Our clients understand the value of PR as a brand building tool for the practice- not as a direct sales replacement.  

Get someone with 15+ years PR/Marketing experience for the same cost of full-time entry level associate 

Hiring someone with 15+ years experience for a full time salary would be 300% more expensive 

Less Turnover. No more having to re-train new employees when they leave to work for another practice. We grow with your practice and stay with our clients for 6+ years. We operate as part of your practice, not as an outsourced agency. As you grow, we grow with you.

© 2025  RMG INC


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